Exploring the Evolving Scientific Space Data With Dr. Richard A Hutchin


Exploring the Evolving Scientific Space Data With Dr. Richard A Hutchin

Dr. Hutchin is one of the few scientists who studied past scientific data thoroughly and challenged its relevancy in comparison to modern discoveries through big-scale space projects. Dr. Hutchin is a Princeton and Stanford alumni with over 52 years of experience following his Ph.D. in physics. He is a revered American physicist and space study enthusiast with scientific papers published across various credible platforms.

Among the most novel concepts and theories circling the world of scientific space study is a relatively new idea that challenges the Big Bang Theory. The proponent of this theory, Dr. Hutchin, published his research after gathering scientific data over five decades in March of last year. He suggested that instead of being an expanding explosion, our universe is a static space with a constantly increasing time rate. The dynamic research models and scientific data put forward an important question that could ensure panic among cosmologists of today, Is the Big Bang Theory Invalid?

Dr. Hutchin spent his early academic years achieving remarkable success as a student of physics at Princeton, where he completed school in three years. Following that, he pursued his Master’s and Ph.D. in physics from Stanford, which he completed in three years as well before moving to become one of the most acclaimed physicists in America. His breakthrough in the world of physics is marked by his association with Dr. Ivar Giaever, a Norwegian-American engineer and physicist who received a Novel Prize in Physics in 1973 for his discoveries about the tunneling phenomena.

Working closely with Dr. Ivar, Dr. Hutchin uncovered an inner passion to learn space science, and physics anomalies, and demystify the secrets and theories of the cosmos. Dr. Hutchin became a student of experimental physics and started a professional career at Iteck Optical System (Imaging Technology), a top-secret company until now with historical achievements in reconnaissance and imaging technological developments. There, he worked on reconnaissance and adoptive optics projects to further his research.

Dr. Hutchin founded the Optical Physics Company in 1997 to offer imaging, analysis, and simulation for aerospace organizations, such as TRW, Boeing, and NASA. He developed an extensive portfolio of cutting-edge technologies which included high-speed deformable mirrors to effectively control high-power laser beams over long distances. However, one of the biggest breaks of his career as a physicist and avid space science researcher came when was approached by NASA to solve a near 100-sigma violation of conservation of energy theory following NASA’s six different deep space probes around Earth.

He combined the enigmatic data sets from NASA with his decades of published research to derive the radiation equation which pushed him towards asking the mind-bending question, Is the Big Bang Theory Invalid? Dr. Hutchin proposed the reclassification of our universe as a static universe with a constantly increasing time rate which would also explain the similarities between recently discovered ancient galaxies and modern galaxies as opposed to the classification of the universe as an expanding explosion with undiscovered black matter and start forming anomalies.

Currently, Dr. Hutchin is an influential figure in the space tech industry due to the development of the HEL control system, high-speed deformable mirror, and co-development of star and satellite tracker systems with NASA. Dr. Hutchin proposes that the scope of scientific study for understanding our universe is bounded by the use of irrelevant data from past studies which needs to be updated following modern scientific discoveries through projects, such as the James Webb Space Telescope.

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